Do you know how to use HTML, CSS and JS ?

If you are a beginner in Front End Development you must have read the post at least once. Have you ever wondered how to solve small coding problems ? Have you ever wanted to rapidly increase your coding skills ? When I am writing blog posts about coding, I am learning a lot. If you want to learn a lot or If you want to be a developer you have to work hard and make time for practice everyday.


Done by creating functions for every button onclick. Getting Div's ID by getElementById and creating a class name from implementing that in CSS we can change the background colour.

1. Firstly, you have to create a button using html and set an onclick event for that.

2. In the second place you have to create a function in javascript inside that you have to get the ID and create a class name for that.

3. Finally, you have to style it with CSS from the class name that you have created using javascript.


Enter your name :

Password :

Enter your birth year :

Please re-enter your password :

By filling details and submitting this form you are going to request and it will validate and give you Response.

1. Firstly, you have to create a form using form tag and then you are going to create required fields like set ID, type, name and buttons onclick inside the input tag.

2. To display the result on the screen using an onclick event.
Next, you are going to create a function using if conditions in javascript.

Thus the Request, Response and Validation using Java script is created and corresponding functions are verified.


Done by creating functions for every button onclick. Getting Div's ID by getElementById and creating a class name from implementing that in CSS we can hide this post.

1. Firstly, you have to create a button using html and set an onclick event for that.

2. In the second place you have to create a function in javascript inside that you have to get the ID and create a class name for that.

3. Finally, you have to style it with CSS from the class name that you have created using javascript.

This is just a page to show how to implement an onclick event into css with the help of Javascript. In the next session we are going to create a page with Blinking page, changing text colour and Hit counter using Javascript. How do you feel about this post? If it's good , give me a thumbs up !!!